Saturday, March 28, 2009,6:54 AM
yeah~~today is is coming out soon..=( but so little money..have to minus this minus that for all the is 1st day of Qing Ming festival, where we need to pray to our ancestors..surprisingly..i went to Bishan temple to pray every year as usual, then i saw daniel there!..haha..omg..can't believe it..a moment ago i was just thinking of him that i won't see him there, dun know for what reason will think of him suddenly, then the next minute i heard someone calling my name, who is long nv see him liao. anyway..haha..very funny..he kana scolding from his mum cos he called out my name..his praying table was directly behind me..then when he call out my name..his mum say, u think this is shopping centre, u're shopping ah..still can anyhow call your friends..must pray properly..:p..make me so pai i faster walk away without greeting his parents..:p..
Thursday, March 26, 2009,6:48 AM
is it true that love nowadays really has no such thing as forever anymore? is it true that after the honeymooon period has passed by, couples can just relax down and not think of anything to spice up the relationship? is it a fact that after getting married for a period, the relationship is just like a tea bag which has been brewed over and over again, until it's even plainer than plain water?
i've come to a conclusion, no matter you're pretty, or ugly, you'll still get the same probability of getting betrayed by your lover..women..thought that by putting children & husband above them, they'll have a blissful ending. its not wrong to do that..but in the first place, does men knows and understand what we're going through? men..thinks that running a household is easy..doing housechores are so easy..teaching children are just about chatting & kissing their forehead when they see them for few that true? if it is then try doing it on themselves without any help. worse of all is not when you do everything for them, it's when they don't appreciate you at all, that's when the most hurting part..
and women out there, who tries to spoil ppl's relationship..beware..because when a men ditch his gf or wife just to leave with day they will also have the guts to ditch you for another women.
Sunday, March 22, 2009,9:00 AM
actually today nth much to blog..hee..cos its sunday..other than doing housework nth more..go jogging pai seh today..went shot jog think around 2.4km then after finish i slow down..shit..nearly black out.actually its black out le..but i keep breathing in more oxygen to keep myself from not fainting lo..-_-''..lousy me..haiz..if really faint on the floor think will be on tmr's newspaper, " jogging is an exercise to be healthy or causes harm to human body"..-_-''..then all my face can throw into drain liao..
anyways..was thinking of one sentence to cheer raymond busy nowadays..feel like robbot..till i dun even feel like stepping out of house to go out on weekends. every morning like same as those drivers that drive to work de lo..but my car is bus 11..everyday reach raffles, then all the ppl like car like up to the escalator..then all drive towards same direction. till there's a split way..u'll see some of the "cars" driving towards that direction..hee..even after work also same..expressway..busy lifestyle..anyways back to topic..i went to see everyone's blog to see how's all my buddies and friends are doing..=) thought of this sentence to cheer him up cos he seems more can blog here..=) think it makes sense to me..when next time i also sad i can use my own sentence to cheer myself sisters out there..hope it'll help u all too.=D
here's the sentence i've thought of:
happiness is decide by oneself. every morning when you're awake, you've 2 choices.1 is to be unhappy,2 is to be happy for the day.although sun rise & sun set cycle appears everyday, but the time which has passed is never the same. treasure everything & be brave to pursue your happiness for which life is only once & what's past will not be the same anymore. =)
Friday, March 20, 2009,7:24 AM
contentment, differs in different ppl, due to their surrounding environment, due to their thinking, due to the situation that they faced, and many things. sometimes, i really think, what does it mean to be happy for me? getting to earn lots of money? getting to make myself doll up and buy expensive clothes? or trying to win everyone & compare myself with them. in the end, i realise that i wan nth..i just wan everyone beside me, ppl who are important to me to be happy. everywhere is heaven if you know how to be content with simple things. expectations is also link with the contentment inside us. is it really that hard to be happy or it is that humans are too greedy. when we earn $1, we would want to earn $10, when we earn $10, we would want to earn $100. what is enough? and when will be enough?..i dun know how much must i save to earn enough money, but i just wan my parents to be happy, to let them know that their daughters love them a lot.=)..
as for love, happiness, sadness, painfulness, all those is just a learning process for ppl who're in love to mature, to grow up, hopefully. maybe you may feel that i'm coward not to open myself, but actually, i'm not shutting myself up. i just wan my life experience to be more fulfilling rather than just to have a love relationship. in a relationship, it takes up a lot of time to "shape" it into the "perfect" relationship that you want it to be. but, it doesn't mean that the 100% effort that you've put in, will gurantee you 100% results. maybe, it'll let you have painfulness only..
,6:20 AM
why everytime when i come in to blog most likely its something unhappy that happen. i hate it when my right eyes twitch, not superstitious or what, but everytime when right eye twitch my family will sure quarrel. sometimes i think if i'm born earlier, which is around the same age as my brother, i think i will have the ability to protect my parents. if this continue to go on, i think one day my mum won't even have the rights to eat. when eating time also must take care of triston, this is even worser than a maid, ppl dun even bother to care u all eat already or not ah..everytime kana bully then complain to me, what can i do man? can..say a few sentence for both of you then kana chase out of house again lo. not as if it didn't happen before. ask u all to stand up for yourself, you all dun wan..keep quiet..nvm..its ok..just because he's the only son then need to dote on him so much ma..see kana bully by own son. faint, so ridiculous..think this is the only place that i can throw all my grumbling at after absorbing all the complains from you all..
Tuesday, March 17, 2009,5:56 AM
tuesday lo~~3 more days is fri..hee.i sound like someone here..always hoping for fri to come..previously i was hoping sat to come, but now theresa suddenly say sat dun need us to work now i'm consider free on sat and sun le..=) need to go for facial long nv go whole face is going to be a goner..-_-''..
nth much happened..very happy with my work life although everyday is like a still wondering what will i do in future..i know that i won't stay here forever as a admin staff. and i'm not used to office politics..erm..i love peace and harmony=)..but i think everywhere also will have politics de hee.. these few days lunch went with wei jie and all..very happy..keep making me laugh until my stomach very pain..keep teasing kennia..hee..thanks all for making my day brighter.=) lunch is the only thing that i look forward to cos i'll have a big smile. =)
Saturday, March 14, 2009,4:55 AM
today is full day come back already very tired..reach home only mum say family quarrel again...just because of triston again. really dun understand what does the bitch wants. always pick on dad, tell story to bro then in the end dad's things got thrown out in the streets..first time see dad complain to me about what they did to him until he was tearing. tired..very tired..i'm really trying very hard to be happy. i'm really trying very hard to be on myself. i really trying very hard to be strong. but i'm tired..every month, at least one big quarrel. i'm even starting to suspect, the other side me of, which no one can sees but only i do, is growing bigger and fiercer. i dun know how long the rationality inside me can hold on to and i dun know when will i break down. from today onwards, i shall save every penny up and not anyhow spend, so that i'll buy over the house from him and chase that whole family out. the only family member i'll recognise will be triston and no one else. i dun have a brother, i will only have one sister, and all the more i dun have a women name bitch that belongs to my family. sometimes really wonder, after they die, will my grandmother punish them, can heaven see anything? will heaven punish them?
Friday, March 13, 2009,7:03 AM
the yellow doggy~=)

retarded me & stunned look triston..hee..


hee..finally my hp can connect to my laptop through cable but dun know when it will have errors i got all the photos in my laptop=D can post le..the rainbow photos..the yellow dog soft toy in office which i kidnap from wei jie, and which actually original owner is my sister...muhahaha..and..took some retarded photos of me and triston together..hee..he went to pluck out the rubber cushion yesterday then i just put on his head so that he can't keep plucking out the cushion.
and..this is for u idiot. u know i'm talking about u. Stop adding me in facebook cos i won't accept and can u just leave my life and leave me alone. i just wanna to have peace. what nonsense u are going through is not my business. and dun tell me your bd is coming so u dun deserve this. it is not my business~~i won't forget how you nearly screw up my whole bd. luckily it was save by my bunch of sisters. just get out, i dun expect anything back from you and whatever that happens in the past i'll just forget about it. i'll just pretend that we've nv known each other, i'm really tired le..
Tuesday, March 10, 2009,6:38 AM
just reach heard theresa say that she's going to transfer swee hee back to red hill..then alex is leaving on friday for his new job..i'm so sad lo..all my lunch ka ki week onwards dun know what to do..dun expect me to go follow the temp go eat lo..they're couple, somemore i dun mix with them de..suddenly follow like so weird..ah sad la..haiz..most likely i'll go back to redhill to eat with eileen lo..if not i pack lunch and eat alone in pantry..omg..sounds so pathetic..=(..
anyway watching the housewife's holiday drama funny lo..very realistic. women responsibility is really very heavy..haha..but why must we take all the responsibility?is it true that when you love someone you'll contribute more? so does it boils down to the fact that after a men marries you, he no longer love you that much thats why he's running away from different kind of responsibility? or is there a rule set down by heaven that women must give in more, must do more than men? blea..dun believe in that...only believe in myself. wait until my "prince" appear i think i starve to death liao..hehe..
Monday, March 9, 2009,5:53 AM
i dun wan and dun wish to repeat myself over and over again. last time i'm warning you to get out of my life!..dun make me scold bad words, and so sorry, u are not worth at all for getting me so angry. you wan to kill yourself and drink then fine! go ahead! you still think by letting me see alll the cuts you have on your hands i'll be soft hearted again? the answer is no, its your body u wan to die, fine, get lost from my sight and die further, i dun care. you are one..selfish is not even enough to describe you. you only think of yourself and all, when you've someone to accompany you then you'll totally forget about my existence. is only when there's no one caring for you, you'll think of me, someone who'll let u make used of? talking to you totally waste my breathe. dun make me block your number too, I WILL DO THAT IF YOU CONTINUE TO DISTURB MY LIFE!!! last warning, GET OUT OF MY LIFE!. dun need to come let me know how blessful u are that you've a gf. couples may not be blessful and singles may not be lonely. for i am not lonely at all cos i got all my friends and sisters, who needs a man, all the more i dun need a man like you idiot!..
Saturday, March 7, 2009,5:01 PM
jie's wishing moment=)

4 buddies:)

group photos!!=D

everybody good morning=) today is a sunday morning, which means it's my only rest day of the week..finally can rest liao=) although no difference, quite early wake up liao a 8 but luckily i woke up early. cos that women's parents came our house to visit their grandson. plus, dun know what they're drilling lo, so noisy.hee..if i still asleep i sure very pissed..
a lot of things happy during this few days but just got not enough time and energy to write..=)..but when now i wan to write, i only remember yesterday's matter..hee..STM.
yesterday was jie's bd, so yee auntie and me worked half day then went over to help her lo..before we meet jie, we meet ling first to eat pasta at waraku. so nice right, hear the restaurant name..but hor, me and yee auntie eat until no appetite..that ling lo..order that black black squid plus squid ink pasta..whole thing was in black lo..omg..nvm..worse is ling keep playing with her food until yee auntie nearly vomited..haha..but cannot waste la..the pasta we eat expensive leh..luckily nv vomit out. but in the end i still manage to finish cos i dun wan to look at ling's nonsense lo..haha..too bad, she dun let me take photos if not i sure post here..hee..
then after that went over to jie's house..was raining heavily..had to help her carry things from her house to the RC..think it's some sort like community centre..hee..when we were walking to the RC, one car drive into that pile of water and all the water splash onto yee auntie..haha..damn funny lo..but very bad la..ah help her wipe away those water la..haha..quite a relax but tiring day yesterday..=) i tired until when taking photos eyes cannot even open liao when my eyes is already very small..took a group photo also yesterday..going to put in my office=) at least when stress or what got something to motivate me..haha..
Wednesday, March 4, 2009,5:36 AM
today is my second day at OMB..erm..although there's no one nagging me for the forms, but i still like red hill more. staying at raffles office makes me feel like a robbot..morning cannot walk relax to work de..even if u wan to walk slow, ppl behind u walk damn fast then push push push, sian then u also kana push to become walk fast..go home also like that lo, only difference is lesser ppl only. the only method that you can dun let ppl push u is hor, u walk very very very fast then walk infron until no one is in front of you then u slow down and walk at your own pace..hee..
another thing why i like redhill more is cos, at least lunch hr, you got place to sit in the hawker centre and there's small and cheap snacks for me to buy back to office to eat. over here, shit..lunch time use to be my favourite, now i dun even have appetite to eat, so crowded!~~really must use the tissue to "kope" the seat plus table...why~~~=(..
ah ya, tired tired tired, but only good thing is swee hee and alex they all got come with at least still got my kakis..=D..and my place right can see sea view, although half of it is block by construction works lo. and, my stupid hp, can take photos cannot upload!! what kind of stupid hp is this sad..=(..i heard from sis by end of month, good thing la, but bad thing is sing wei is leaving lo~~which means i have to go down to screen ppl again...and sit beside my supervisor...~~~argh..another form of stress..haha..even though now no one supervise me is i supervise ppl but erm, still will feel a bit stress. today nearly scold the 2 new temps lo, repeat so many times also get wrong. haiz..nvm, in the end i still slowly repeat again. but, if they tmr let me check that they're wrong again i think my blood vessels will burst..haha..:p..bad temper..but new worker sure will do wrong things de, like when i first entered..haha..also very irritating keep asking sing wei they also the same la, now is ask wei jie and alvin..haha..but lesser chances to ask. one is because i'm not in the office le, another is cos more "experience", but there's still a lot of things for me to learn..=) good luck to myself, hope i can survive it through..may be just a start..
Monday, March 2, 2009,5:09 AM
today is a up and down day for first really felt quite ok de..happy normal me..then when going home tat comes the problem..=(..i total keyed in 100 plus forms today(cannot edit ones), and i've labelled it properly thinking that i'm very neat. but when going home time, yee auntie say come help me, then i say ok. but how careless i am, i didn't tell her those already marked papers are those that i've done, in the end she messed up liao, file wrong thing. now all my efforts gone, have to recheck those 3 "suspicious" files again lo..1 file at least is like 100 plus entries..i feel so guilty lo..instead of helping alvin then i give him more work to do. wanted to help him sette those temp staff can't be edited forms but now i make him have to check all the 3 files. worse of all the office system is so slow, one day do at most like 50 or 60 u already consider miracle le..then now..haiz..dun know how many days he need to check. and he so good didn't scold me, all the more i feel guilty lo. not blaming anyone, but just myself on the carelessness part. i could have tell her i file in myself then nth will go wrong liao. but will still thanks her for wanting to help me la..anyway this kind of feeling is just very sucky la..can imagine whole day do this stupuid entries then within like few mins all your efforts gone plus u got extra work to do..but i think alvin feeling more sucky than me..haha.. :p..still got time for jokes. haiz..nvm la..what's happen already happen..tmr then go back and redo everything lo..=( sucky day for me..